Saturday, November 17, 2007


This blog was inspired by my experience working in a public library setting as a student librarian completing a Masters of Library and Information Studies (MLIS) degree. During my shifts I got frequent questions from teachers looking for resources to support their curriculum and lesson plans at their local public library.

As a student who is interested in both the teaching profession and public libraries, I am curious about how public libraries support teachers in their research needs. I am interested in exploring how public libraries choose to support the teachers who use their libraries, what kind or services do they offer, and how do they promote these services?

My goal for this blog is to create an on online resource for myself, and others, to document, discuss, and explore the various issues that are important to this subject. By examining various public library websites, articles on the subject, and online resources, I hope to learn more about what kind of services are currently provided to teachers utilizing the public library. Potentially, this can be a resource that other students and librarians can use to look for tips and information regarding resources that public libraries can offer to teachers in support of their library and research needs.

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